Unica Inspirations

Everything is unique in nature and everything contains the universe
and when, looking it appears similar to any other
then it is in the invisible that measures its rarity


Everyone of use is unique, every life is unique
in all its forms
every encounter, every breath, every blink every time we say the words – Thank you every time we withhold the word – Sorry every time the rain surprises the fair weather month of May
the fragility of a bee, the tenacity of an ant the peak of a mountain and a blade of grass
every sound, every red, every thought captured
the time you said “It is always sunny on my birthday”
and then the night, every single night that steal petals from the currents to make them dance.


Every gesture is unique, every glance is unique
every step, from the removal of support and every millimetre of uniqueness speaks of eternity
unique is the figure of a tear, every tear the hardness of stone, the cleft of a bud, the arch outlining a smile
unique is every time your mother says – Do you need anything?
and then lowers her head and fixes her hair
and then autumn of the gentian, the association of planets
a toast and the verdict
unique is the immensity of silence,
of every silence you can listen to if you desire, like the softness of a kiss
that lets you perceive the fabric of senses, up to the fifth and beyond


Every time you quench your thirst is unique, every sip of water is unique every time you look at the sky and ask the sun to stay
the times you mix up the moon with a hint of a plot
every time is unique, every lemon is unique, every prayer is unique every side, every curtain, every slope, every vacuum and every fullness every wrench of reason is unique and the right side is difference for everyone
diversity, always in new forms, surrounds us everywhere
and if this, for a person, is disturbing then it is the divine that sews gold on the differences
every commotion is unique, the vibration of knowledge is unique
every time you blow a reason in a shadow and fall in love with the world
every language is unique, every voice is unique, the whole is unique
and everything is us

Gianmarco Busetto
poet, performer, director and dramaturge.

“Poetic writing is different for me from any other type of writing. It is the only one that is born and moves from an inspiration, sometimes sudden and sometimes growing.
Poetry, as far as I’m concerned, is always and in any case a necessity.
When I met Fabrizio and he told me about the works he and Vanessa created for Unica, about the poetics that drove them and the goals they were driven by, something immediately clicked in me. I began to think about the concept of uniqueness, of how paradoxically universal it is and of how much the attempt at homologation typical of Western societies tends to be against nature.
From these thoughts was born the poetic triptych Monologue of the Whole. For me it is a necessary reflection, a key to understanding the concept of uniqueness and that of nature and how these concepts interpenetrate and agree.
I then decided to dedicate the triptych to Unica because it was the right thing to do, because it inspired me and because it talks about what it does every day through its works. “

Emiliano Toso
is a Cell Biologist and Musician Composer at 432Hz.

After graduating in Biological Sciences, he earned a doctorate in Human Biology at the University of Turin with a specialization in molecular and cellular bases. He thus embarks on an important scientific career that will lead him to work for 16 years in charge of the Molecular Biology group at an international research institute.

Alongside this scientific research of his, he simultaneously cultivates a deep search for personal growth and his passion for music and composition.

In 2013 Emiliano Toso rivolutionizes his life by making a dream come true: he records his first album: TRANSLATIONAL MUSIC.

This album which was initially meant to be a self-gift will begin to spread more and more becoming a real project of integration between Biology and Music.

Supported and flanked by Dr. Bruce Lipton, from this moment he will begin to be invited all over the world as a speaker at international conferences and to play concerts that integrate science and music.

His activity as a biologist/composer musician will lead him to travel in Italy and abroad, involving thousands of people every year, opening conferences of international prominent personalities such as Bruce Lipton, Gregg Braden, Donald Walsch, Dr. Franco Berrino, Prof.ssa Lucageli, Deepak Chopra and many others.

Translating universal vibrations and promoting physical and emotional well-being, his compositions are used in holistic centers, in scientific research laboratories such as the Marques Institute in Barcelona, ​​and hospitals such as San Raffaele in Milan, Bambin Gesù, Gemelli in Rome and the Salesi Hospital in Ancona, where for the first time in the world a surgery was performed with a grand piano in the operating room.

Inspirations and Materials

UNICA pursues the idea of art able to blend aesthetic amazement, functionality and emotional well-being.

To obtain the results we established each of our works gets its inspiration and material from natural elements and the harmonious relationship that they create with everything that surrounds them.

Through collaboration with artists, designers, craftspeople, masters of light, poets, and scholars of the “intangible”, we affront scrupulous research daily on shape and materials with particular focus on their harmonious, symbolic and vital characteristics.

Antique populations identified gold with a divinity that represented the sun and, as such, they considered it a harbinger of truth and possibility of light.

In our works, through attentive processes that blend the most ancient knowledge of tradition with the most innovative techniques for working precious materials, the spark of gold powder encounters the transparency of glass, the polished reflection of metal and the robust strength of wood to grasp light and be able to return it to the spaces in a dance of reflections that requires care and the possibility of feelings well beyond the immediate view.