Born under the sign of Scorpio

Unica turns seven today, it was created on 27 October 2014.

In these years, step by step, we have made it grow and let it make mistakes, challenge corners and sharp edges, find the right measurement of its barycentre, challenge obstacles and gravity, until managing, experience after experience, to look more and more like its own name.

Like a fragile and tenacious creature we have seen it similar to who created it but also able to shape, day after day, its own identity able to exceed and go beyond its own genealogical characteristics.

Unica, like everyone born under the sign of Scorpio, contains water as a distinctive element and, it is not by chance that each work evokes its characteristics through the strength of metals, transparencies of glass and fluidity of shapes.

Unica is, for us who in some way gave it life, a mirror where we recognise our real vocation and, at the same time, a reflective surface that never fails to gives us precious teachings, not only for our profession but for living in the complete sense.

They say that those born under Scorpio are equipped with an incomparable emotional energy, strong initiative spirit and great bravery that lets them easily overcome problems and times of distress.
Enigmatic bordering on mystery, dynamics and bewitching, they supposedly exercise a particular magnetism able to attract even the most resistant people.
Astrologically in possession of a great willpower, governed by Mars in creativity and Pluto in ability to transform, they are pushed to never leave anything untried to overcome themselves and thus reach higher and higher levels of learning.

The driving force of those born under the sign of Scorpio is love, a constant quiver which we clearly recognise in every shape of the Unica universe, in its works, collaborators, customers and the attitude that moves every single phase of its life, from design to production, from the search for materials and attention with how they are processed.

Unica turns seven today on 27 October 2014 and we, now, with all our heart we wish this for you: to always be as much like water as possible, a source of life, able to change shape while its essence remains intact, because this is what makes water fluid, and should it decide to push, makes it unstoppable.

Happy Birthday, Unica

Vanessa Stella and Fabrizio Rocchi